rose flowers be eaten If yes then know which roses are used for this purpose

rose flowers be eaten If yes then know which roses are used for this purpose

Whenever the name of flowers comes, people often take the name of rose flower. When there is talk of love then the name of rose flower comes up. Rose flowers also for decoration. Rose flower also looks good for decorating the plate in the temple. But do you know that rose flower is also eaten and it is very beneficial.


Actually, as beautiful as rose flowers are in appearance, their benefits on the skin are also equal. That is why many women make a face pack of rose water, rose oil and rose powder and apply it on the face. But do you know what are the benefits of eating rose flowers?

skin related problems

Let us tell you that consuming rose flowers regularly has many benefits related to the skin. With its help, you can get rid of problems like dullness and dryness of the skin in a jiffy.

glow on skin

The anti-oxidant elements present in rose flowers not only repair the damaged skin cells but also keep them away from skin infections. Due to which your skin remains beautiful and healthy.


By eating rose leaves, one gets Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Iron and Calcium in abundance. In such a situation, consuming rose leaves helps in staying away from skin blemishes, seasonal infections and allergies.

beneficial for the body

Gulkand is prepared from rose leaves. By consuming which you can get rid of many diseases of the body. Flavonoids, bioflavonoids, citric acid, fructose, malic acid, tannins and zinc present in it are very beneficial for our heart.

stomach related problems

Let us tell you that rose petals also have laxative and diuretic properties. Which helps in cleaning the stomach and removing toxins from the body. Among roses, red rose is considered more beneficial. Disclaimer: ABP News does not ask any person to take any kind of medicine. Before eating anything, contact the concerned doctor or expert.

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